
Monday, March 19, 2012

Proud Mommy

About 2 weeks ago, I overheard Brady in his room, he was looking at a few small books that we had read to him since he was a baby. I knew that he was very familiar with these books as I myself had memorized them word for word. It wasn't until I listened closer, that I realized he seemed to be reading every word on the page. I listened for a minute and then he quit and I got occupied with something else. A few days later, Brady picked up another book and started in right away. I listened from the other room and heard him actually sounding out the words that he didn't know. The next day we had our weekly trip to story time at the library. We picked out a few books to bring home with us. When we got home we sat down and he proceeded to read the entire book to me. Every mom has those moments when they become very proud of their child. For me this is one of those times.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Warming Up

In January I posted about my dislike for cold weather. Well thankfully February and so far the first week of March has been pretty mild. Not to say we haven't had a little snow here and there or a few cold days. However just recently we have made it into the 60's. This makes me one happy lady! I love the sun, it seems to give me an unexplainable energy. I even put a load of bed sheets on the clothesline the other day. There is nothing better than crawling into bed and smelling that sweet smell of fresh air. Brady enjoyed his time outside playing on his swing. He told me that wearing a light weight jacked made him feel naked. Sigh.... the things that come out of his mouth.